Freeze-thaw action coupled with chloride penetration was causing premature spalling of the city’s sidewalks. MG-KRETE™ was applied as a scratch coat to resurface the sidewalks. Applied very thin, no trip hazard was created and no concrete had to be removed.
Oil, salt and moisture were causing spalling of the concrete drive-through pad. MG-KRETE™ was overlayed to restore the driveway without the need for any concrete removal.
Peace Bridge Sidewalk Repair
Crumbled Concrete – Before
Crumbled Concrete – After
Steps in Need of Repair – Before
Steps – After
Gravenhurst Ski Resort – Ice and salt combined with heavy foot traffic causing surface deterioration of concrete steps and walkways.
Gravenhurst Ski Resort – MG-KRETE™ overlay restored the surface and provides long-term protection against salt and ice with a very durable abrasion resistant surface.